Acing New Mexico Security Guard Exam 2024 – Guard Up and Stand Out!

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Which of the following items best describes paraverbal communication?

Tone, pitch, cadence and pacing

Paraverbal communication refers to the non-verbal aspects of communication, such as tone, pitch, cadence, and pacing, that convey meaning and emotion in addition to the actual words being spoken. Option B, volume of the voice, is not an accurate description of paraverbal communication as volume falls under the category of verbal communication. Option C, body language, is also not an accurate description of paraverbal communication as it includes non-verbal behaviors such as gestures, facial expressions, and posture, but does not encompass aspects of speech. Option D, firmness in direct proportion to the level of resistance received, is not an accurate description of paraverbal communication as it describes a response to resistance, rather than a form of communication itself.

Volume of the voice

Body language

Firmness in direct proportion to the level of resistance received


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